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The State of Black Immigrants in California and The State of Black Immigrants and Black Lives at the Border reports are now available.  Click the button below to access.

The State of Black Immigrants Research Institute produces innovative research reports, policy advisories and fact sheets; briefings for key stakeholders including community leaders, elected officials, media outlets, and philanthropic organizations; advocacy tools for Black organizations and allies; and convenes academics and activists to uplift and advance issues facing the Black diaspora. BAJI maintains active research partnerships with top tier academic institutions including New York University School of Law, University of California Los Angeles Labor Center, and University of Southern California, and individual scholars.
Black immigrants are much more likely than nationals from other regions to be deported due to a criminal conviction.
More than one out of every five noncitizens facing deportation on criminal grounds before the Executive Office for Immigration Review is Black.
Black people are far more likely than any other population to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned in the U.S. criminal enforcement system—the system upon which immigration enforcement increasingly relies.
Police Harassment
Immigrants are exposed to more risks and vulnerability when they are stopped by the police for minor offenses, such as broken taillights and traffic violations.
Unjust Immigration Enforcement
When the police decide to take on the duties of federal immigration enforcement, they often use these stops to question people about their immigration status and to turn immigrants over to ICE.
State Monitoring
When an individual is arrested, his or her fingerprints are sent to the FBI. Through the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), state and local law enforcement share data with immigration enforcement.
Immigrants are particularly vulnerable to guilty pleas that later lead to removal proceedings. A criminal conviction could trigger  detention, deportation and ineligibility to reenter the U.S.
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